Search Engine Company

HomeWeb DesignSearch Engine Company

This project involved a ground-up re-design from scratch.

Years ago, forecasters said every task would eventually be done on smartphones. That prediction is quickly coming to fruition with mobile search overtaking desktop as America’s favorite online tool. With that in mind, the structure of this website is rooted in the concept of Mobile First Design. While blocks of content still remain for organic search ranking purposes, the visual aesthetics now focus around highlighting the important information that will help guide users towards taking action. Statistics, strict limitations on numbers of calls-to-action, and robust headlines intended for dialogical communication create a fluid system for content delivery with optimal conversion rate.

Project Features:

  • Mobile-First Design / Responsive
  • UI/UX Design
  • Custom Shot Home Video background, optimized for load time
  • Graphical statistics displayed using Chart.js
  • Animated number statistics
  • Lazy-load containers to reduce initial page load size
  • Custom dynamically-driven main navigation
  • Dynamically generated side navigation with section titles
  • Custom shot background videos for calls-to action
  • Portfolio + Case Studies
  • Fixed floating CTA coded to change colors for user awareness
  • CMS Integration

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