Pepsi Summertime Commercial

HomeVideoPepsi Summertime Commercial

*DISCLAIMER: I have no affiliation with Pepsi or PepsiCo, nor am I affiliated with 20th Century Fox, owner of the rights to The Sandlot. The materials used were not used with the intent to infringe upon copyrights or to misrepresent the owners of said copyrighted material. Furthermore, as this is used solely as a not-for-profit portfolio piece, and is not intended for commercial use or to be otherwise disseminated, as well as the transformative nature of the piece, it is protected under Fair Use.

The concept for this project was to create a quick 15-second commercial spot for Pepsi products. A recent theme used in Pepsi marketing campaigns revolved around “Summer Time is Pepsi Time”. The idea of the commercial was to play along that same imagery. The underlying message I decided to work around was the notion of living life to the fullest, by “Dreaming Big [and] Living Bigger”. I then intercut words that would reinforce those themes: memories, bonds, time and life.

While it was initially my intention to use footage of myself in various locations, logistics became a problem, as it is immensely difficult to function as camera operator, director and actor simultaneously. I settled on using clips from the movie, The Sandlot, to portray the emotions and ideas that I was trying to convey.