Golf Driver Company

HomeWeb DesignGolf Driver Company

This Golf Driver manufacturer prides itself on being the manufacturer of “the Longest Hitting Driver in the World”, and such a title should have a website worthy of the distinction.

This website is an e-commerce website built with the elegance and flair typically reserved for the premier brands of the world. Featuring custom graphics, page layouts, and branding all consistent within Krank Golf standards. The website is constructed in HTML5 and PHP, with CSS3 for styles, and Javascript to round out the experience. In many cases, I took product photography using my own equipment, creating visual engaging graphics as required for the project.

This project also required the construction of a highly-custom algorithm driven Driver Selector Tool. The layout of which was mostly driven by HTML and CSS, and JQuery to process each step.

Project Features:

  • Mobile-First Design / Responsive
  • UI/UX Design
  • Page background videos, optimized for load time
  • Animated number statistics
  • Lazy-load containers to reduce initial page load size
  • Custom dynamically-driven main navigation
  • Custom shot background videos for calls-to action
  • Custom-built Driver Selector Tool
  • CMS Integration

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