Driver Selector Tool

HomeUX DesignDriver Selector Tool


The client manufactures high-end golf drivers. Based on direct user-flow paths to the flagship products pages, the conversion rate hovered at a paltry 0.87%. The goal was to introduce new ways to increase conversions and drive sales.

The Paradox of Choice

So, this isn’t quite a case of the Paradox of Choice per se, but you have to wonder if there are too many options to configure. To compound the issue, there are 2 flagship products — one USGA Conforming, and one USGA Non-Conforming. You have to keep in mind that many users may be driven to the site because they wanted to buy the same drivers that the pros are using and may not be knowledgeable on club configuration.


The solution is to give users a fun, interactive way to pre-fill some of the product options. On top of that, let’s also narrow the product down to a specific one — enter the Driver Selector Tool.

Teeing Up The Sale

I constructed an interface that would present a battery of questions to users (questions developed by professional golfers) that would parse the answers through the algorithm to create a link that would match users with their personalized product — complete with all customization fields pre-selected — all they have to do it click “Buy Now”.

A contingency measure was added to the form to include a form fill at the end, so that if the user did not purchase the product, a company representative had the resources to follow-up on sales leads.


Since the implementation of the Driver Selector Tool, the URL on which the tool resides receives the second most traffic of any landing page sitewide, second only to the main Shop page. At 0:55, average time-on-page for the Driver Selector Tool is nearly double the average of the website. Finally, the most important numbers — of the 9% of overall traffic that the page receives, approximately 10% make it through to the product page, and of those, around 4.73% convert!


IT WORKS!!! As a luxury item that is typically sold through custom-fitting sessions with product experts, the Driver Selector Tool serves as a stand-in for a personal fitting assistant. Though it may not be universal for all users, enough users are instilled with the security and confidence to follow through with their purchase to see a noticeable increase on conversion goals.

Project Features:

  • Mobile-First Design / Responsive
  • UI/UX Design
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript, JQuery
  • PHP
  • Database & CMS integration
  • Algorithm written and coded to select optimal driver

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