Dating Video Spot

HomeVideoDating Video Spot

All the way back in 2011, when the FOX’s hit TV show New Girl premiered, the producers teamed up with the actors to produce a viral marketing video that featured actor Max Greenfield as his character, Schmidt, in a mock online dating video profile. The video itself was professionally directed as a more-or-less shot-for-shot recreation of the opening title sequence for MTV’s “reality show”, The Hills.

As a designer on a budget, and with no access to professional actors, I recreated the dating video shot-for-shot, mostly making use of a green screen and digital backgrounds that I created in Photoshop. The only shots I couldn’t film myself were those in which I was driving (which a friend help me with).

In the end, the video was pretty damn close to the original, even Schmidt himself (Max Greenfield) tweeted out his approval to me!